A beautiful party for a special two year-old. I love going to kids birthday parties and my friends from the LBC didn’t disappoint. From cupcakes, to the photo booth, labels, name tags, to having the Yo Gabba Gabba crew come and hang out with the kids!!! Most everything was handmade by the parents. A labor of love for their sweet Little Girl! Happy Birthday Mika!!!
Everly is turning 5!
It’s that time of year again when we obsess about my sweet Everly’s Birthday Party. It’s so much fun to see how she is growing. She already has a clear vision of what she wants.And this year’s birthday theme is going to be, “The Swan Princess.” She has requested lots of feathers, jewels and glitter… Here is our outfit inspiration
A Haunted Birthday Party!
Happy Birthday Maddox!
To create this haunted look, I tried to recycle as much as I could. I used an old fabric as a curtain and nailed it to the window, cut some paper bats from poster boards and hung it from the ceiling with some fishing line. I also used a chalkboard paper runner that I found at Target and I think it turned out pretty cute and cheap. What do you think?
Foxy Family
Mummy Juice Boxes
4 days until Halloween,and it’s crunch time at our house. Today we made this cute Mummy juice boxes for the party.
Pumpkin Patch Fun
I love this time of year, even though we live in Southern California and the seasons might not be so noticeable. October brings lots of pumpkins, apple cider, visits to the pumpkin patch, fall crafts, Halloween and a reminder that winter is around the corner.
Halloween Treats

A Year of Artwork
I treasure all of Everly’s artwork. I try and save all of her artwork from pre-school all year long. At the end of the school year I go through her piles of artwork. It probably takes me about 3 days, between scanning, taking pictures and lot’s of procrastination, but the end result is priceless!
Playdate? No problem let’s celebrate!
October might be one of my favorite months. We have the perfect excuse to wear silly costumes, eat sweets and make the house spooky. And when playdates required cupcakes, we know it’s usually a success. Happy Birthday Ethan!
DIY Sharpie Mugs