I have no sewing background but I do own a sewing machine. I usually sew paper when I’m making invitations but once in a while I try fabric and lots of glue!
DIY Project
A Year of Artwork
I treasure all of Everly’s artwork. I try and save all of her artwork from pre-school all year long. At the end of the school year I go through her piles of artwork. It probably takes me about 3 days, between scanning, taking pictures and lot’s of procrastination, but the end result is priceless!
DIY Sharpie Mugs

Foxy Family
Halloween is around the corner and of course we are obsessing about costumes… but when you have your 4 year old daughter make the final executive decision, it gets a little complicated! It changed from being Elsa, to being a llama, to Katie Perry in the “Roar video”. Even though Katy Perry would have been so funny specially because she wanted her little sister to be the tiger from the music video. I finally got my way because we are going to be a fox family.” Yay!!
The inspiration is the Fantastic Mr. Fox. I wish I could do a full-on mask but I’m afraid Arden (9 months old) would be too scared, so I found this cute mask tutorial from Handmade Charlotte.
Travel Lap Pillow
Last night while looking for ideas to take on the plane for my 4 year old, I found this awesome tutorial from Prudent Baby. Last week we made the chalkboard with the alphabet letters and finding this was just perfect for our previous project.
So this morning I went to my little studio to find any scrap fabric to make this awesome travel pillow. I’m not a seamstress by any means and it sure didn’t turn out as cute as the original but it works for us. Here is the Tutorial
This is our version of the travel pillow.For the handles I used my old wraps from kickboxing. I have’t been back to kickboxing for about 18 months, I’m just glad I got to re-use them.
Spelling B
I’ve been looking for ideas to entertain my toddler on the plane and knowing she is really interested in writing and spelling. I think this will be perfect…
Things you need:
Cookie sheet, painters tape, Chalkboard spray paint for the cookie sheet, Magnetic letters and spray paint for the letters.

Cookie sheet /Dollar Store
Chalkboard paint /Home Depot
magnetic letters /Toys R US
Spray paint for letters / Home Depot
Off To Peru